Advice & Top Tips
from Current Students

Do all your homework even if you don't want to do it, it's always good to do it and when you get into year 11 your GCSE's will be easier! (Kasey Y7)
It won't be as hard as you might think!
Honestly, nothing is as scary as it seems, and you wont get anywhere unless you take yourself there.
Don't be worried about moving, you will get lost a few times but people will help you find your way. You will get used to where you are going! (Lilli Y7)
Work hard be polite and try and talk to new people! (Hayden Y7)
Remember your planner! (Jacob Y7)
Don't worry about it, everyone is helpful and will show you around if you get lost. (Sofia Y7)
Don't overthink about what will happen on your first day, it will be fine! (Adam Y7)
It may be a worry at first, but all the other year groups and teachers are always there to help you when you get lost or aren't sure what to do. It's a very friendly school and very welcoming, you have nothing to be afraid about just ask if you need help. (Ross Y7)