Welcome to PE

Come prepared every lesson with correct kit - PE Kit - Pack your bag the night before, never pack your bag in the morning, mistakes are made when you are tired or running late!

PE Fields

Mr Hudson

Associate Assistant Principal and Head of PE

Mrs Bartlett

PE Teacher

Mr Rushton

Associate Assistant Principal and PE and English Teacher

Physical Education

“Physical Education should inspire all students to succeed and excel in competitive sport and other physically-demanding activities”.

Physical Education is an important part of the National Curriculum. Students will participate in two lessons of PE per week, one based indoors and the other outdoors. Therefore, it is essential you come to lessons equipped to learn.

Key Assessment Objectives:

• Lead, healthy, active lifestyles

• Develop competence to excel in broad range of physical activities

• Use a range of tactic and strategies to overcome opponents in direct competition

• Analyse and evaluate own performance and demonstrate improvement across a range of physical activities to achieve personal best.


At Outwood Academy Freeston there are a vast amount of enrichment activities taking place. This is where students can increase their learning and enjoyment in their most favoured activities. Many of these we compete at local, county and national level!

Healthy mind

Healthy body