Mrs Coultous's


Lizzy Coultous

SENDCO and Business Studies Teacher

Specialist in teaching Business Studies.

Business studies is a subject that looks at things we see and use every day such as advertising and products. We learn about how businesses start up, resources they need, marketing, finance, challenges they face . Along the way you will develop key skills such as communication and team work which are so important in many areas of life.

I enjoy helping students on their journey to becoming happy and successful young adults. Helping students to develop the skills and qualifications so they can be who they want to be in life. It's so rewarding!

I love reading autobiographies (because I am nosey!). I also enjoy travelling to the coast with my family for long walks along the beach and cliffs.

OAFreeston is a friendly and welcoming place! It's one big family where we support each other. It's also lots of fun!

Lizzy Coultous.mp4

Please click on video to hear a welcome message from Mrs Coultous.