Mrs Stockton's


Emma Stockton

History Teacher

Specialist in History

"Those who fail to learn from history are condemned to repeat it" - this was said by Winston Churchill and I think I sums up brilliantly why History is so important. Humans have been busy living out their lives for millennia, the study of the past gives us the opportunity to try to improve ourselves by learning from the mistakes of our forefathers.

I love teaching because I love to share my enthusiasm for History with my pupils; I love to see them getting as excited and intrigued by the characters from the past as I do. It is also amazing to see how pupils progress from Y7 to Y11. It is a real buzz to see pupils gain excellent GCSE results when you remember them coming into your classroom when they were in Y7.

As a mother of a two year old, my main hobby is watching Peppa Pig. This is not my idea of entertainment though!

I would sum up OAFreeston in two words: friendly and caring. I can't wait for you to come and experience this yourselves!