Mr Bird's


Andy Bird

Maths Teacher

Specialist in Maths

What key messages about your subject area would you like to share?

Maths is not just about answering questions; it teaches you problem solving skills that you can use in real life. Maths also teaches you that it is OK to to make mistakes; if you don't get something right on the first attempt, learn from this and try something different.

The light bulb moment! It's a great feeling when a student who didn't understand something can now do it. You really can see it in their face when that moment of understanding hits.

Sport (watching and playing), reading and travelling. There's a big wide world out there - go and see it!

Outwood Academy Freeston is 'Unique' - Our school has lots of history (e.g. why we are called Freeston) which you will learn about during Year 7. Not all schools have such an interesting background!